It was time to replace our static calendar with a state of the art digital signage solution. We came up with the idea of using one of our screens as an employee communication tool. The idea was to keep our staff up to date with the latest projects and tasks, whilst at the same time keep them entertained with a Live TV feed.

But we didn’t stop there, we took it to the next level and used it as a real time message board by using Google Docs  to display the digital content. This meant staff with access to the shared document would be able to update the content on the screen all in real time. This included adding photos, text, comments and tables. This removed the need to install any additional software or train staff on how to update the content.


Advertise Me Digital Signage Communication Tool

Here’s a screenshot of the Google Doc. The content on the screen was updated in real time:


Advertise Me Digital Signage integration with Google Docs

In addition, the company’s shared Google Calendar was used to display all the important events and tasks to serve as gentle reminders. Overall, this did not only increase staff productivity but it showcased what our solution could do.

Advertise Me Digital Signage Communication Tool

Does your business need a digital signage solution?

Contact us on 1300 880 005 or request a quote and we will help you engage your visitors and staff with a digital signage solution.